Cyberport: Integrating New Technology and Blueprint for a Smarter Hong Kong

Bringing education to Cyberport  Other than the incubation programme provided, Cyberport also has a programme dedicated to encouraging education in the FinTech and blockchain sector. The Cyberport University Partnership Programme (CUPP) is a program created for university students.   “Every year there are 6 out of 11 universities joining us – these are bright students. We will then provide boot camp training for them as … Continue reading Cyberport: Integrating New Technology and Blueprint for a Smarter Hong Kong

Google’s Quantum Technology Could Satiate Proof-of-Stake Detractors

Google’s newly achieved ‘Quantum Supremacy’ computing technology has been marked for some surprising applications in the cryptocurrency space. According to one researcher on the project, the technology could enhance the proof-of-stake (PoS) algorithm.  Crypto Consensus AlgorithmsIn cryptocurrencies, there are two types of consensus algorithms that serve as governing protocols to achieve peer consensus on data … Continue reading Google’s Quantum Technology Could Satiate Proof-of-Stake Detractors

Social Factors Influencing the Adoption of Blockchain Technology

With the introduction of blockchain technology, there has been an influx of so many innovations in different industries, including the financial industry, the entertainment industry, as well as other areas of life.  The invention of blockchain can be compared to the invention of things like the steam engine, internet, electricity, the computer – which are … Continue reading Social Factors Influencing the Adoption of Blockchain Technology

NexChange Interview Series: Alicia Garcia-Herrero, Part 1

This article was contributed by our content partner, Nexchange Now. “The strategic competition, which is the essence of the trade war, creates the need for more reserve currencies. And CBDC could perhaps accelerate that process.” Olga’s interviewee this time is amazing Alicia García Herrero, Chief Economist for Asia Pacific at Natixis. Alicia also serves as … Continue reading NexChange Interview Series: Alicia Garcia-Herrero, Part 1

Sharding, pBFT and Linear Scalability – An Interview with Saiba Kataruka at Zilliqa

Saiba Kataruka is the Developer Market Lead at Zilliqa. He began his career as a consultant with IBM in the payment technology field for Asia and Europe. He joined Zilliqa based on his belief that blockchain and decentralization can improve the current social and financial structure.Blockchain.News caught up with Kataruka for his insights on Zilliqa’s … Continue reading Sharding, pBFT and Linear Scalability – An Interview with Saiba Kataruka at Zilliqa

Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce Signs a Blockchain Alliance Proposal to Foster Trade And Finance

A report published on the Global Times on Nov. 7 stated that the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce had signed a written proposal giving the Shanghai government departments and six financial companies an opportunity to establish an E-port area blockchain alliance with the sole aim of fostering international trade and financial services. This proposal was signed … Continue reading Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce Signs a Blockchain Alliance Proposal to Foster Trade And Finance

India’s Telangana State to Stamp Out Fake Academic Certificates via Blockchain

Following concerns raised by the US Embassy that some employees and students were applying for visas using fake academic certificates, the Indian state of Telangana has made a broad move of addressing this menace through blockchain technology.  Expressly, the state government has resolved to utilize blockchain for academic certificates granted by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University … Continue reading India’s Telangana State to Stamp Out Fake Academic Certificates via Blockchain

BCB Blockchain Collaborates with Philippine Government to Support Local Startups

During the 3rd National Technology Business Incubator Summit, BCB Blockchain, a Singapore-based technology firm agreed to join hands with the government of the Philippines to support the development of local startups through creating smart city projects and applications making use of their funds and blockchain protocol. Through the signing of a memorandum of agreement (MOA) … Continue reading BCB Blockchain Collaborates with Philippine Government to Support Local Startups

MDEC Mandates Malaysian Big Data and Blockchain Competency Centre Initiative

The fourth industrial revolution or 4IR has been transforming modern society based on components, such as blockchain, big data, IoT and AI.  As a result, the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) has given Multimedia University (MMU) the mandate of establishing the nation’s first industry competency center on big data and blockchain.  Prof Datuk Ahmad Rafi … Continue reading MDEC Mandates Malaysian Big Data and Blockchain Competency Centre Initiative

New Money Theory Research: Blockchain to Usher in the New Age of Monetary and Financial Freedom

New Money Theory Research: Blockchain to Usher in the New Age of Monetary and Financial Freedom Throughout history, humans have progressed through both a reliance on institutions and in many cases by rebelling against institutions that no longer serve them. In order to improve the overall social efficiency of our civilization, processes of social division … Continue reading New Money Theory Research: Blockchain to Usher in the New Age of Monetary and Financial Freedom

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