Twitter and Alibaba Enter Global AI Race

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a focal point for many companies. Twitter and Alibaba have reportedly joined the global AI race by integrating the technology into their businesses. Twitter plans to use AI to “detect & highlight manipulation of public opinion,” while Alibaba is developing its own chatbot assistant called Tongyi Qianwen.

Meanwhile, the co-founders of cryptocurrency exchange Gemini, Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, have funded their business with a personal loan of $100 million. The move comes after previous attempts to raise capital from external investors failed. The Winklevoss brothers are funding Gemini amid regulatory scrutiny in the United States, including charges from the Securities and Exchange Commission related to the exchange’s Earn program.

In addition, MetaMask has launched a new feature that allows users to purchase cryptocurrency with fiat currency directly from its Portfolio Dapp. The service is available in over 189 countries and accepts debit and credit cards, PayPal, bank transfers, and instant ACH. MetaMask claims the service follows local regulations and takes the user’s location into account.

The integration of AI into businesses is not without controversy. Twitter CEO Elon Musk, who recently purchased nearly 10,000 graphics processing units (GPUs) for the platform, previously spearheaded a letter calling for the halt of advanced AI development due to societal concerns. However, many companies see the potential benefits of AI and are investing heavily in the technology.

In the cryptocurrency world, the Winklevoss brothers’ loan to Gemini underscores the challenges that exchanges face in a volatile market and amid regulatory scrutiny. However, the loan also highlights the dedication of entrepreneurs to build a successful business in the face of adversity.

Meanwhile, MetaMask’s new feature for purchasing cryptocurrency with fiat currency is a welcome addition for many users who find it challenging to navigate the complex world of cryptocurrency exchanges. The service’s availability in over 189 countries and its acceptance of a wide range of payment methods make it an attractive option for those looking to invest in cryptocurrency.

Finally, Alibaba’s entry into the AI race with its chatbot assistant underscores the company’s commitment to innovation and its vast ecosystem of tech businesses. As the world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, the integration of AI into businesses will likely continue to be a significant trend. However, companies must balance the potential benefits of AI with the societal concerns surrounding the technology.

Twitter Rolls Out Bitcoin Price Quotes

The addition of Bitcoin price quotations to Twitter’s social media platform occurred around the 18th of April. The price quotations are provided by the charting platform TradingView, however they are only accessible for the price of Bitcoin. Price quotes for other major cryptocurrencies are not provided. The accompanying Bitcoin price chart includes a link that users may use to purchase or sell Bitcoin on the Israeli cryptocurrency market known as eToro. In addition, a caution that reads “Your Capital Is At Risk” is shown beside the chart that displays the price of bitcoins.

Twitter has emerged as an essential component of the retail investing community, and it is anticipated that the inclusion of Bitcoin price quotations will play a big role in the dissemination of financial news and the acquisition of information. The implementation of “$Cashtags” has the goal of elevating users’ familiarity with the Bitcoin market on the site and encouraging more user participation therein.

Elon Musk made the declaration on the 17th of April that he would develop a piece of artificial intelligence software that he would call “TruthGPT” in order to battle what he considers to be a left-wing bias in the media business. It is anticipated that the AI software would actively seek the truth and encourage impartial reporting.

While Twitter is the most recent social platform to integrate Bitcoin price quotes, on April 10th, Douyin, the Chinese counterpart of TikTok, began providing Bitcoin price quotes to an estimated 730 million users in Mainland China. Twitter is the most recent social platform to incorporate Bitcoin price quotations. The quotations were, however, taken down a day later and replaced with a statement that warned users that “unofficial digital currencies do not possess the same legal standing as fiat currencies.”

The introduction of Bitcoin price quotations on Twitter’s social media platform is a big step towards expanding knowledge of and involvement with the cryptocurrency market on social media. This is because Twitter is the largest social media platform in the world. In addition to this, it brings to light the ever-increasing significance of cryptocurrencies in the financial sector, as well as the need of reliable information and impartial reporting.

Binance Executive Accuses Former FTX CEO of Spreading Fake Rumors

Binance executive Patrick Hillmann recently took to Twitter to accuse former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried, also known as SBF, of spreading “fake rumors” about Binance CEO Changpeng “CZ” Zhao. Hillmann claimed that Bankman-Fried used his influence to label Zhao as an “evil Chinese” in an attempt to perpetuate his alleged scams at FTX.

The public relationship between SBF and CZ had been often antagonistic, with the two exchanges having financial ties. However, Hillmann’s recent comments suggest that Bankman-Fried had taken things further than what was publicly visible. Hillmann also claimed that the denigration of CZ was the norm at FTX and had nothing to do with the decision to sell the worthless FTT on the company’s books.

The rivalry between FTX and Binance came to a head when CZ announced plans for Binance to liquidate its position in FTX Token (FTT) prior to FTX’s bankruptcy, hinting that Binance would consider purchasing the competitor. However, when the deal fell apart, and FTX filed for Chapter 11, the two industry heads traded barbs through social media. CZ called SBF a “fraudster,” and the former FTX CEO suggested that Zhao lied about the buyout discussions.

Despite the animosity between the two leaders, Zhao continues to lead Binance as CEO and regularly posts messages on social media. In contrast, Bankman-Fried faces 13 federal charges, including those related to bribery and wire fraud. As part of his bail conditions, he has only limited internet access.

Bankman-Fried’s alleged actions to denigrate CZ raise concerns about the role of social media in perpetuating rivalries and conflicts within the crypto industry. As crypto exchanges continue to grow in size and importance, it is crucial for their leaders to maintain a professional and respectful public image. Failure to do so could lead to reputational damage and undermine investor trust in the entire industry.

The rivalry between FTX and Binance is not unique in the crypto industry. The space is known for its intense competition, with companies vying for dominance in an emerging market with vast potential. However, the leaders of these companies must remember that they have a responsibility to act with integrity and professionalism in their public statements and behavior.

In conclusion, Hillmann’s accusations against Bankman-Fried highlight the need for greater scrutiny of the conduct of crypto industry leaders. As the industry continues to grow and evolve, it is important for regulators and investors to demand transparency and accountability from these companies and their leaders. Only by doing so can we ensure that the promise of crypto technology is fulfilled in a way that benefits everyone.

Twitter Enables Monetization for Creators

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has made significant changes to Twitter since taking it over, including mass layoffs and the introduction of Twitter Blue subscriptions. Now, Twitter has enabled monetization for creators through a new subscription service, allowing them to charge followers a monthly fee for access to exclusive content.

The feature is targeted at improving follower engagement and creating new revenue streams on the social media platform. Known as “Subscriptions”, Twitter users can charge followers a monthly price from one of the price points made available by Twitter. Once paid, subscribers can access the creator’s exclusive content, which is not viewable to the public.

To incentivize creators, Twitter will allow them to keep 97% of the revenue up to $50,000 in lifetime earnings, after which the revenue split drops to 80%. Twitter has partnered with payments processor Stripe to payout creators on the platform.

However, the revenue share will only begin once creators earn the minimum threshold of $50. Additionally, subscription services are non-refundable, even if a creator’s Twitter account gets suspended for any reason. In such scenarios, users are required to manually unsubscribe to avoid auto-monthly payments to inactive Twitter accounts.

The introduction of content creator subscriptions has been welcomed by members of Crypto Twitter, who have built credibility and a massive following on Twitter over the years.

Musk’s ongoing initiatives to redesign Twitter include using artificial intelligence (AI) to detect and deter misinformation on the platform. Despite previously warning the world against AI development due to societal concerns, Musk has reportedly purchased nearly 10,000 graphics processing units to build the upcoming AI tools.

The move towards monetization for creators is part of Musk’s efforts to turn Twitter into a profitable business. The company has taken several drastic measures since Musk’s takeover, including mass layoffs and the introduction of Twitter Blue subscriptions. Musk saw the introduction of subscriptions as a much-needed revenue stream for the company, despite resistance from previously-verified individuals who did not want to pay a monthly fee for a blue checkmark on their account.

Overall, the new monetization feature is a step towards greater user-centricity on Twitter, allowing creators to earn revenue from their content and potentially make a career out of it. With the increasing popularity of social media platforms as a source of news and information, Twitter’s move to enable monetization for creators could help to promote citizen journalism and provide more diverse perspectives on global events.

Twitter introduces content creator subscriptions

Twitter has announced a major overhaul to its platform, allowing content creators to monetize their posts through a new subscriptions feature. In the wake of mass layoffs and the introduction of Twitter Blue subscriptions, CEO Elon Musk has been spearheading radical changes to turn Twitter into a profitable business. Now, creators on the social media platform can offer exclusive content to paying followers, earning revenue from subscriptions.

The new “Subscriptions” feature allows Twitter users to charge followers a monthly fee “from one of the price points made available by Twitter.” Paid subscribers can then access the creator’s exclusive content, which is not viewable to the public. Twitter has partnered with payments processor Stripe to payout creators on the platform.

Under this new feature, creators will be allowed to keep 97% of the revenue up to $50,000 in lifetime earnings, after which the revenue split will be dropped to 80%. However, the revenue share will begin only after the users earn the minimum threshold of $50. The subscription services are non-refundable even if a creator’s Twitter account gets suspended for any reason. In such scenarios, users are required to manually unsubscribe to avoid auto-monthly payments to inactive Twitter accounts.

This latest user-centric update from Twitter is targeted at improving follower engagement and creating new revenue streams on the social media platform. It is expected to be welcomed by members of Crypto Twitter who have gained credibility and a significant following on the platform through years of posting.

Elon Musk’s ongoing initiatives to redesign Twitter will also include artificial intelligence (AI) to combat misinformation on the social media platform. Despite warning against the development of AI due to societal concerns, Musk reportedly purchased nearly 10,000 graphics processing units to build the upcoming AI tools.

With this new feature, Twitter is following in the footsteps of other social media platforms such as Patreon and OnlyFans, which allow content creators to monetize their content through subscriptions. The move comes as part of Twitter’s strategy to turn the platform into a profitable business, following years of losses.

However, the introduction of subscriptions has been met with some criticism from users, who argue that it is yet another way for Twitter to extract money from its user base. Critics also worry that this move will further divide Twitter users between those who can afford to subscribe to creators and those who cannot.

Despite the concerns, Twitter’s move towards monetizing content creators could prove to be a significant step towards profitability for the social media giant. Only time will tell if this new feature will be successful in achieving its goal of improving follower engagement and creating new revenue streams on the platform.

The SpaceX Token Scam: A Cautionary Tale in Cryptocurrency Fraud


The topic of “SpaceX Tokens” is surrounded by controversy and confusion, primarily due to the prevalence of scams exploiting the popularity of SpaceX and Elon Musk’s image. It’s important to approach this subject with caution and skepticism, especially considering the numerous fraudulent activities associated with it.

“SpaceX Tokens” are supposedly a new form of cryptocurrency linked to SpaceX, Elon Musk’s space exploration company. Claims regarding these tokens include their use for decentralized funding, community engagement, and integration with space-based services and technologies developed by SpaceX. According to some sources, acquiring a certain amount of these tokens could allegedly lead to various rewards, such as trips to Mars or other SpaceX-related products​​​​​​.

Warnings of Scams

However, a significant amount of evidence suggests that the so-called “SpaceX Tokens” are part of an elaborate scam. These scams typically involve fake advertisements and fraudulent websites using the SpaceX name, logo, images of Elon Musk, and promises of an exclusive cryptocurrency launch. The goal is to deceive people into investing in a non-existent token through a fake pre-sale offer​​.

Techniques Used in Scams

The scammers use various methods to spread their fraudulent schemes. These include:

Creating pages on social networks and using bots and fake accounts to promote the “SpaceX Token” as a significant investment opportunity.

Producing professional-looking YouTube videos to lend credibility to the scam.

Running contests and promotions offering free tokens to attract attention.

Utilizing fake endorsements and countdown timers to create urgency and a fear of missing out​​.

Once potential victims visit these scam websites, they are presented with convincing but entirely fabricated claims and details about the SpaceX Token. The sites often request payment in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, promising significant returns on investment. Unfortunately, these promises are entirely false, and victims who send funds end up receiving nothing in return​​.

Public Response and Safety Measures

Despite efforts to curb these fraudulent activities, such scams continue to thrive, particularly on platforms like Twitter. The scams exploit the lack of verification processes and the ability to purchase fake authenticity badges, making it easier for them to deceive users. The prevalence of these scams, not just limited to SpaceX tokens but also involving various other fraudulent cryptocurrency offers, raises serious concerns about online security and the efficacy of social media platforms in handling these issues​​​​.


In conclusion, while the idea of a cryptocurrency tied to a high-profile company like SpaceX is appealing to many, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and skeptical of such offers. The widespread reports of scams related to SpaceX Tokens highlight the importance of thoroughly researching and verifying the legitimacy of any cryptocurrency investment, especially those claiming affiliation with well-known entities or individuals. As with any investment, especially in the volatile and often opaque world of cryptocurrencies, potential investors should proceed with caution and consult reliable and official sources before making any commitments.

Former Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal's AI Startup Raises $30 Million

Former Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal has marked a significant milestone in his tech career with the successful funding of his new artificial intelligence startup. The venture has raised an impressive $30 million, with the funding round led by Khosla Ventures, a notable investor in the tech world. This financial backing signals strong market confidence in Agrawal’s vision and the potential of his AI startup.

Agrawal’s Shift from Social Media to AI

Agrawal’s journey in the tech industry has been both remarkable and influential. Before stepping into the role of CEO at Twitter, Agrawal held the position of Chief Technology Officer, where he was instrumental in advancing the company’s AI and machine learning initiatives. His tenure as CEO, although brief, was marked by significant developments and challenges, culminating in his departure following Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter in late 2022.

The New Venture: Focusing on Large Language Models

While specific details about the startup are still under wraps, it is known that the focus will be on developing software for large language model (LLM) developers and their clients. This area of AI technology has gained considerable traction in recent years, primarily driven by the success of models like OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Agrawal’s entry into this field demonstrates a keen understanding of current tech trends and market demands.

The Role of Khosla Ventures and Other Investors

Khosla Ventures, an early supporter of OpenAI, led the $30 million funding round. They were joined by other significant venture firms, including Index Ventures and First Round Capital. The involvement of these firms highlights the potential they see in Agrawal’s startup, particularly in a market increasingly interested in advanced AI solutions.

Agrawal’s Expertise: A Driving Force in the AI Startup

Agrawal’s extensive background in AI and machine learning is a pivotal element in this new venture. His experience at Twitter, coupled with his technical acumen, positions him well to navigate the complexities of developing cutting-edge AI technologies. Agrawal’s move from a leading role in social media to spearheading an AI startup is reflective of the broader shift in the tech industry towards AI-driven innovation.

Prospects and Challenges Ahead

While the initial funding is a significant achievement, Agrawal’s startup faces the challenges of emerging in a highly competitive and rapidly evolving tech landscape. The focus on large language models, a field that has seen exponential growth and interest, places the startup in a promising yet challenging market segment. Success will depend not only on the innovative capabilities of the AI solutions developed but also on effective market positioning and strategic partnerships.


Parag Agrawal’s foray into the AI startup world is a testament to his adaptability and foresight in the tech industry. With a significant $30 million in funding and the backing of renowned venture firms, his startup is poised to make a substantial impact in the field of AI. As the tech world eagerly awaits more details about the startup’s specific products and strategies, Agrawal’s journey from Twitter’s executive suite to leading an AI venture will be closely watched by industry observers and enthusiasts alike.

SEC Cybersecurity Breach: Investigating the Fallout and Future Measures

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently faced a significant cybersecurity challenge when its account on the social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter) was compromised. This incident, occurring on January 9, 2024, has raised serious questions about the robustness of cybersecurity practices both at the SEC and on social media platforms at large.

Background of the Breach

The breach was identified when a false announcement regarding the SEC’s approval of a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) was posted on the official SECGov X account. This unauthorized post led to a brief spike in Bitcoin’s price, reflecting the market’s sensitivity to such regulatory news. The SEC quickly responded, clarifying the misinformation and confirming the account compromise. SEC Chair Gary Gensler emphasized that there was no evidence of the unauthorized party gaining access to other SEC systems, data, devices, or social media accounts​​​​.

The Role of Social Media Security

The incident has cast a spotlight on the security of social media platforms, especially considering the significant influence they hold over public opinion and financial markets. X, in particular, has faced scrutiny over its security measures since its acquisition by billionaire Elon Musk in 2022. The platform has experienced regular bugs and outages, partly attributed to staff reductions and a shift in content moderation policies under Musk’s leadership​​​​.

SEC’s Response and Measures

In response to the breach, the SEC is actively evaluating the impact on investors and marketplaces. While it has been confirmed that the breach was isolated to the social media account, the SEC is taking this incident seriously and is assessing whether additional remedial measures are necessary. This involves collaboration with law enforcement and security agencies, including the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency​​.

Implications for Cybersecurity Practices

The SEC hack highlights the importance of robust cybersecurity practices for both government agencies and private organizations. The incident serves as a reminder of the potential vulnerabilities in social media platforms and the need for constant vigilance and improvement in cybersecurity measures. The SEC has historically emphasized the importance of cybersecurity in its regulatory oversight, and this incident could further fuel efforts to strengthen cybersecurity protocols across various sectors.

Looking Ahead

As the SEC continues its investigation and assessment of the breach, it is likely that we will see a renewed focus on enhancing cybersecurity measures, not just within government agencies but also across social media platforms. This event underscores the critical need for comprehensive security strategies to protect sensitive information and maintain public trust.

Study Reveals Emoji Sentiments' Impact on Crypto Markets

In a research paper titled “Emoji Driven Crypto Assets Market Reactions,” a team of international researchers has shed light on the significant role played by emojis in influencing cryptocurrency markets. Led by Xiaorui Zuo from Fudan University in China, Yao-Tsung Chen from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan, and Wolfgang Karl Härdle from Humboldt University in Germany, the study explores the correlation between emoji sentiment and key market indicators, such as BTC price and the VCRIX index.

The increasing influence of social media platforms, particularly Twitter, in shaping market trends and investor sentiments within the cryptocurrency realm has been widely recognized. However, the role of visual elements, specifically emojis, has remained relatively unexplored. This research aims to bridge this gap by leveraging advanced artificial intelligence-driven analyses to decode and quantify the sentiments expressed through emojis.

The study employs state-of-the-art tools such as GPT-4 and a fine-tuned transformer-based BERT model for multimodal sentiment analysis. Emojis, being a universal language transcending linguistic barriers, offer a unique means of expression, encapsulating emotions and reactions that might be absent or ambiguous in text alone. By translating emojis into quantifiable sentiment data, the researchers are able to uncover valuable insights into market dynamics.

The findings of the study suggest that strategies based on emoji sentiment can contribute to the avoidance of significant market downturns and stabilize returns. By integrating advanced AI-driven analyses into financial strategies, a more nuanced perspective on the interplay between digital communication and market dynamics can be achieved. This research highlights the practical benefits of incorporating emoji sentiment analysis into trading strategies, enabling market participants to identify and forecast trends more accurately.

To achieve their results, the researchers developed an innovative approach that combines textual data with the expressive power of visual content, specifically emojis. They utilized the GPT4 toolset to transform the visual representation of emojis into descriptive text, which was then synthesized with corresponding Twitter text to create an enriched dataset. The application of Bert embeddings enhanced with a transformer layer enables the extraction of embedded sentiments within these emoji-augmented texts.

The research team’s methodology also involved correlating the sentiment analysis derived from these embeddings with cryptocurrency secondary market trends, using BTC prices and the VCRIX index as benchmarks. This comprehensive approach provides a more accurate depiction of market sentiments, offering insights that can contribute to better market prediction and analysis strategies.

This study represents a significant step forward in understanding the interplay between social media expressions and cryptocurrency market movements. It underlines the importance of considering both textual and visual elements in sentiment analysis and lays the foundation for further research in the field. By embracing the power of emojis as an integral part of digital communication, market participants can gain a competitive edge in navigating the dynamic crypto landscape.

The research was supported by the IDA Digital Asset Institute, ASE, Bucharest, and received additional funding from the Czech Science Foundation and the Yushan Fellowship. The detailed methodology, results, and implications of the study can be found in the published research paper, offering a valuable resource for academics, industry professionals, and investors interested in the intersection of cryptocurrency, social media, and market dynamics.

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