Compass Mining to Sold $30m Worth of Assets in Russia to Fend Off Sanctions

Compass Mining, an American cryptocurrency mining firm, is looking for buyers for its gears stranded in Russia in a bid to avoid being sanctioned by the United States Department of Treasury.

According to a Bloomberg report, citing Compass Mining’s Chief Executive Officer, Whit Gibbs, the mining facility it operates in Siberia hosts about 12 megawatts of capacity.

Compass Mining hosts a data centre that houses mining machines for its diverse clients worldwide. Each of its clients has an average of 5 devices that it is managing for them. The price tag on the pieces of mining equipment in the Russian region is pegged at $30 million, and Gibbs is hoping that he would recover most of the value of the assets, which will then be redistributed to the owners.

The company is searching for buyers in Russia, seeing it will not be able to ship out the mining gears per the broad sanctions, which also affect the global supply chain connecting Russia. According to the Bloomberg report, the urgency to sell off the assets became necessary when the Treasury Department sanctioned BitRiver, a Switzerland-based crypto mining firm, for its operations in Russia.

While the Treasury’s sanctions have been criticised by BitRiver’s CEO, Igor Runets, who believes the sanctions are unfortunate and are an attempt to “change the global balance of power in favour of American companies,” Gibbs will not want to be a scapegoat for other American outfits to learn from.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has stirred a lot of negative reactions for the former nation, which has remained adamant concerning calling off the ongoing war. From financial companies like Mastercard and Visa to crypto mining pools like FlexPool, the caution being taken by Compass Mining will prevent it from falling into the crosshairs with the Feds, a move that is necessary to power its future growth plans.

Compass Mining CEO And CFO Abruptly Resign, Company Faces Business Struggles

Compass Mining, a Bitcoin mining hosting and brokerage services firm based in Delaware, US, announced on Tuesday that its CEO, Mr. Whit Gibbs, and CFO, Mr. Jodie Fisher, have resigned effective immediately.

In a statement, the company admitted that while the firm was established to make mining easy and accessible, multiple setbacks and disappointments have detracted it from accomplishing that objective.

Compass has appointed chief technology officer Paul Gosker and chief mining officer Thomas Heller to serve as interim co-presidents and CEOs.

Meanwhile, the company’s board is searching for talents to fill such positions permanently.

The firm pointed out some measures that it is currently undertaking to turn around its fortunes: “Through this restructuring, the company is wholly focused on regaining the goodwill of our stakeholders and the community, as well as delivering on our mission of providing best-in-class service for miners of all sizes.”

Compass Mining offers a marketplace service for individual people to mine Bitcoin in facilities across Canada and the U.S.

Recently, reports showed that Compass Mining was unable to pay its electricity costs at its facility in Maine. Early this year, the company lost access to about $30 million of equipment after the U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions on Russian crypto mining company BitRiver.

Challenges facing Compass Mining are not new as most of them are triggered by macroeconomic risks. All mining firms have been badly hit since cryptocurrencies recently entered the bear market.

Several miners have been liquidating their assets over the past few months, with exchange inflows steadily rising. This has added to the downward pressure on Bitcoin and the entire crypto markets, resulting in the flagship cryptocurrency’s price plunging 74% from its all-time high to just below $18,000 on June 19.

Many publicly listed mining companies sold 100% of their entire production in May. The conditions have worsened this month, implying they are likely to sell more assets.

Difficulty and hash rate (network computing power) have increased along with energy prices, while cryptocurrency prices have dropped over the same period.

Bitcoin Miner Compass Mining Establishes 75 MW Hosting Partnership with Compute North

Compass Mining, a Bitcoin mining hosting and brokerage services firm based in Delaware, US, announced the completion of a partnership with colocation provider Compute North to secure at least 75 megawatts (MW) of energy capacity for its TIER 0™ data center in Granbury, Texas.

The agreement with the colocation provider also includes the ability to expand Granbury’s additional colocation capacity from 300 MW to 600 MW.

Officially released reports say that miner installations will begin in August 2022 and continue for several months.

The announcement added that the company will deploy 25,000 ASICs at the Wolf Hollow factory, including next-generation bitcoin miners such as the Antminer S19XP, Antminer S19j Pro, and Whatsminer M30S++,

According to Compass, the facility is listed as one of the cleanest in its class because it is powered by a 1.1 gigawatt (GW) combined cycle natural gas-fueled power plant and uses an advanced gas turbine design and air cooling to Reduce carbon emissions and reliance on water.

The company said it will actively respond to the Electric Reliability Commission of Texas (ERCOT) policy by shutting down equipment and bringing stable energy loads when local users need the grid on a large scale.

Compass Mining offers a marketplace service for individual people to mine Bitcoin in facilities across Canada and the U.S.

On April 25 this year, Compass Mining, an American cryptocurrency mining firm said it was looking for buyers for its gears stranded in Russia in a bid to avoid being sanctioned by the United States Department of Treasury.

What is Compass Mining?

The cryptocurrency industry has witnessed exponential growth over the past few years, with various sectors flourishing, including the pivotal sector of Bitcoin mining. Among the companies pioneering this space, Compass Mining has established itself as a critical service provider, offering solutions that democratize access to Bitcoin mining operations. This article delves into Compass Mining’s business model, its impact on the mining landscape, and the broader implications for the crypto ecosystem.

The Advent of Mining as a Service

Compass Mining entered the scene with a novel proposition: to make Bitcoin mining accessible to a broader audience. Traditionally, mining required significant technical expertise, substantial capital investment, and a tolerance for risk, given the volatility of cryptocurrency prices. Compass Mining addressed these barriers by introducing a platform where customers can purchase or host mining hardware, such as Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) miners, in professionally managed data centers across the globe.

Services Tailored for Diverse Clients

The company’s offerings cater to a wide spectrum of clients, from individual enthusiasts to institutional investors. Services include hardware procurement, where clients can buy top-tier ASIC miners directly through the Compass platform, and hosting solutions that ensure optimal mining conditions such as stable power supply, efficient cooling, and maintenance support. These services not only simplify the mining process but also provide scalability, allowing clients to grow their operations without the complexities of managing physical infrastructure.

Impact on the Mining Landscape

Compass Mining’s approach has significantly impacted the mining industry. By decentralizing the opportunity to mine Bitcoin, the company contributes to a more distributed hash rate, which is vital for the security and resilience of the Bitcoin network. Furthermore, it helps mitigate the geographical centralization of mining activities, a concern amplified by the recent crackdown on crypto mining in China.

Sustainable and Responsible Mining Practices

As environmental concerns become increasingly paramount, Compass Mining emphasizes sustainability. The company partners with data centers that utilize renewable energy sources, aligning with the broader industry’s shift towards “green” mining practices. This commitment is crucial not only for reducing the carbon footprint of Bitcoin mining but also for the industry’s long-term viability and public perception.

Navigating Regulatory Challenges

Regulatory scrutiny remains a significant challenge for the crypto industry, including the mining sector. Compass Mining operates with transparency and compliance, navigating the complex regulatory landscape to ensure that clients’ mining activities adhere to local and international regulations. This approach not only protects clients but also fosters a more stable and mature mining industry.

The Future of Compass Mining and Crypto Mining Industry

Looking ahead, Compass Mining is poised to play an influential role in shaping the future of the mining industry. With plans to expand its global data center partnerships and enhance its service offerings, the company is well-positioned to support the growing demand for Bitcoin mining. As the industry evolves, Compass Mining’s continued innovation and commitment to accessibility, sustainability, and regulatory compliance will be instrumental in promoting a more decentralized and robust mining ecosystem.


Compass Mining exemplifies the transformative potential of service-based models in the cryptocurrency mining industry. By lowering entry barriers and championing sustainability, the company not only empowers individuals and institutions to participate in Bitcoin mining but also contributes to the strengthening of the Bitcoin network. As the industry continues to evolve amid technological advancements and regulatory developments, Compass Mining’s role in advocating for responsible and accessible mining practices will remain crucial for the ongoing growth and decentralization of cryptocurrency mining.

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