ECB to Meet the Growing Demand for Digital Payments with a CBDC Digital Euro

Christine Lagarde, the President of the European Central Bank (ECB), once again broached the topic of central bank digital currency (CBDC) issuance and why the bank was seriously considering the creation of a digital euro.

What ECB wants to achieve with CBDC

In an interview with local news outlet Le Monde, Christine Lagarde discussed how the coronavirus pandemic drastically changed the economic landscape worldwide. She broached the topic of a digital euro and announced the central bank’s intentions for it. European Central Bank has been driving forward their quest for a CBDC, beginning its experiments by recently launching a public consultation system to get a public opinion of the proposed digital euro.

President Lagarde said:

“It’s simply a matter of making our currency fit for the digital age. When we see how quickly digital payments are spreading, especially among young people, it’s important to meet this demand.”

The former chair of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) emphasized once again that if a digital euro was to be issued, it would complement fiat, rather than replace it. She also clarified on what the European Central Bank hoped to accomplish with a digital currency issuance. She explained:

“If we can have a means of payment that is more efficient, costs less, causes less pollution, can be used as easily as cash, protects privacy while ensuring traceability, reduces the cost of transferring money between countries and strengthens the international role of the euro, we would be remiss not to study it!”

ECB plans for a potential CBDC issuance

The European Central Bank, under Lagarde’s direction, has been thoroughly assessing whether to create a central bank digital currency that could be used in the Euro Zone as well as in other countries. Through a report, it announced that if the project was cleared by European financial authorities, the research and development phase of the digital euro may start sometime in mid-2021. The financial project will be led by the High-Level Task Force on CBDC.

Several criteria were listed by the ECB, to be considered before the launch of a digital euro. The launch of a digital euro by the central bank may be inevitable, especially if other countries progress forward with their CBDC plans and ECB wishes to stay competitive on a global scale. The October report read:

“A digital euro could support the Eurosystem’s objectives by providing citizens with access to a safe form of money in the fast-changing digital world. It would also contribute to its strategic autonomy by providing an alternative to foreign payment providers for fast and efficient payments in Europe and beyond.”

Currently, China appears to be in the lead for potentially finalizing an official central bank digital currency. It has been reported that the country has been actively testing out its pilot version of a CBDC, dubbed digital currency electronic payment (DCEP).

Blockchain Allowed 17 Million People to Travel Between Macau and China During Coronavirus

Despite the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic bringing the travel industry to a standstill, a blockchain-powered QR health code system has enabled at least 17 million people to travel between China and Macau, an autonomous region off the south coast of China, since May.

Mutual healthcare network

China’s southern Guangdong province and Macau have been using a mutual QR health code network powered by blockchain technology to aid travel between the two regions as COVID-19 has jeopardized travel worldwide.

The system has empowered both sides to authenticate travelers’ health status without directly exchanging personal data. As a result, ensuring that the local privacy laws are followed.

As per the announcement:

“Health authorities in Chinese mainland and Macau need to verify the health information submitted by users crossing the border and yet they are not supposed to exchange data directly with each other to stay in compliance with their corresponding regulations.”

Aiding cross-border travel

The health code system is developed by WeBank, a fintech developer associated with Chinese internet giant Tencent Holdings, and FISCO BCOS, a Chinese open-sourced blockchain platform.

Blockchain is instrumental in encrypting the personal health information and identification of travelers. As a result:

“Health authorities on both sides are able to verify whether travelers are in good health and have been in contact with any known Covid-19 cases without actually accessing personal data, thus complying with privacy regulations on both sides of the border that prohibit the direct exchange of such information.”

The travel sector has been among the hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic. Nevertheless, blockchain technology is continuously being adopted to help this industry stand back on its feet.

For example, Hainan, a southern island province of China, is keeping a watchful eye on a blockchain-enabled points reward program aimed at promoting tourism in the region. It intends to utilize the blockchain-based system to get back on track in the tourism sector following disrupted travel triggered by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. 

ASX Delays Blockchain-Based CHESS Replacement to April 2023

The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) announced the new go-live date for the CHESS replacement system will be pushed to April 2023, delaying the launch by one year, due to replacement scope increasing and the impact of COVID-19.

The announcement says:

“While most CHESS users indicated they could meet the proposed go-live date of April 2022, many asked for extra industry testing, more time to prepare for the new system, and additional functionality that reduces manual processes (such as electronic corporate action elections) to be delivered as soon as possible.”

On the impact of COVID-19 on the CHESS replacement system, ASX Chief Executive Officer Dominic Stevens said:

“ASX has listened to the industry, regulators and its technology partners throughout this project. It is clear that COVID-19 continues to impact the whole industry, including ASX, and this has evolved what our stakeholders want from the CHESS replacement system. In parallel, ASX has considered how we can reduce delivery risk, enhance the customer experience and continuously improve project execution. Consequently, we have increased the scope of the project and extended the timeline. The result is a program that provides a significantly enhanced CHESS replacement solution on Day 1.”

CHESS stands for Clearing House Electronic Subregister System. It is a settlement system for financial products traded on the ASX and operated by the ASX Settlement Pty Limited.

ASX first started to consider a blockchain-based CHESS replacement back in 2015. In January 2016, Digital Asset became the ASX’s technology partner for prototypes with blockchain and DLT technology.

Grayscale Survey: 55% of US Investors Like Bitcoin in 2020

Grayscale Investments, a leading digital currency asset manager, has released a report entitled Bitcoin Investor Study 2020 showing that 55% of US investors are looking to invest in Bitcoin in 2020.

COVID-19 pushing Bitcoin investments in 2020

This online survey involved 1,000 U.S. consumers aged between 25 and 64 years and was conducted between June 26 and July 12 this year. It acknowledged that the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and subsequent economic recession has forced governments, corporations, small businesses, and individuals back to the drawing board when making investment choices.

As a result, radical changes have been triggered in a short time and fostered the opportunity for innovation in areas like Bitcoin investment. This explains the reason why the number of US investors interested in Bitcoin rose by 19% from 36% in 2019.

The survey noted:

“More than half of U.S. investors are interested in investing in Bitcoin in 2020, more than half (55%) of survey respondents expressed interest in Bitcoin investment products. This marks a significant increase from the 36% of investors who said they were interested in 2019.”

The coronavirus pandemic has been a key driver of Bitcoin investments in 2020. Notably:

“38% of Bitcoin investors had invested within the last four months, and nearly two-thirds of those reported that the ramifications of COVID-19 were a factor in their decision to do so.”

Bitcoin viewed as a safe-haven asset

Bitcoin is continuously being touted as a safe-haven asset, given that 83% of the respondents made investments in this digital currency within the last year based on its attractiveness as a modern investment portfolio.

As per the announcement:

“Among those who reported investing in Bitcoin, 83% have made investments within the last year, indicating that digital currencies are an increasingly attractive component of modern investment portfolios.”

Furthermore, it was disclosed that the number of potential Bitcoin investors in 2020 stands at 32 million compared to 21 million last year. Notable strides are continually being made in the Bitcoin space. For instance, the largest dollar value crypto transaction in history was recently made after $1 billion in Bitcoin was moved. 

United States Congress Agree on $900 Billion Stimulus Bill, What it Means for Bitcoin

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says that United States Congress has reached an agreement on a proposed $900 billion pandemic stimulus package, according to CNBC.

McConnell said that a vote on the $900 billion stimulus bill could happen Sunday evening, as reported by CNBC on Dec. 20. As the stimulus package will provide a boost to the stock markets, crypto investors are expecting a further boost to Bitcoin(BTC) through investment and continued depreciation of the dollar.

$900 Billion Stimulus

While the bill remains undisclosed, the Wall Street Journal has reported that the new stimulus bill is expected to issue $300 a week in federal unemployment benefits, as well as a $600 payment to US citizens—with a portion dedicated to education, vaccine distribution, and small business.

In what could be seen as good news for those in crypto and Bitcoin who welcome the Fed’s liberal use of the money printer as it continues to weaken the dollar, GOP senators were only partly successful in trying to stifle the emergency lending powers of the FED, concerned with the growing financial burden of the US.

According to the WSJ, the Federal Reserve will still be able to introduce emergency lending programs without the approval of Congress, although not at the scale of the relief programs initiated at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic.

Bitcoin, Stimulus, and Dollars

As Christmas draws nearer, the crypto market is optimistic as Bitcoin continued to set new record highs over the weekend breaking the $24,000 level for the first time in its short history. BTC price is currently $23,658.48 according to CoinMarketCap

The agreed-upon stimulus bill could provide a further boost to the crypto market and particularly Bitcoin. Historically the stimulus relief packages serve to buoy the traditional markets and will most likely see a rise in the price of cryptocurrencies.

A Bitcoin has been seeing outrageous institutional demand and is solidifying its status as a hedge asset or store of wealth, Bitcoin investors believe the continued flood of government printed relief money could provide a huge boost to the crypto’s price. As the Federal Reserve prints money to combat the economic disruption of the coronavirus pandemic, inflation is expected to rise and cause a loss of purchasing power in the dollar and a price boost to crypto and BTC.

The monetary policy of the Federal Reserve has also been heavily criticized and the central bank’s debt continues to rise. For Bitcoin advocates, the reckless abandon at which the Fed prints money shines a light on the anti-inflationary mechanisms and value in the scarcity of the pioneer cryptocurrency—a narrative that traditional institutions and investors are beginning to understand.

$600 Dollar Stimulus Checks to Stimulate Bitcoin Price Bullish Momentum

After the Black Thursday market crash in March 2020, the Bitcoin price plunged to around $4,000 falling with the traditional markets. As the Federal Reserve’s money printer sprang into action, sending out $1200 in stimulus checks, Bitcoin (BTC) began to rise, US citizens were reportedly turning to the cryptocurrency in a mix of lost faith in their government’s monetary policy and in an effort to hold on to their wealth as the US dollar weakened.

Yesterday, as the United States Congress passed a new coronavirus stimulus bill to be funded by the Federal Reserve’s unrestrained money printer—Bitcoin billionaire Tyler Winklevoss tweeted:

“Another $900 billion dollar advertisement for Bitcoin.”

If the stimulus check spending of US citizens in the first round of government-funded economic emergency relief this year is anything to go by, there appears to be a high possibility that many stimulus recipients will opt to invest in Bitcoin and provide a further boost to the crypto’s bullish price momentum.

Bitcoin Separated Central Bank Control

Bitcoin has had an amazing 2020, the premier cryptocurrency has risen from $4,106.66 immediately following the Black Thursday global economic crash to setting an all-time high at $24,209.66 according to CoinMarketCap, and BTC has easily outperformed the S&P 500 over the year.

Bitcoin’s ascent this year in a time of economic downturn may surprise some, but holding and creating wealth outside of the traditional financial system, free of inflationary policy is exactly why BTC was created by Satoshi Nakamoto in the first place.

Bitcoin serves to offer a way to separate your money from the control of the state as it was designed to be decentralized and created through non-sovereign processes. Investment in Bitcoin offers freedom outside of the Federal Reserve and other Central bank controls.

Bitcoin’s price this year is in a sense merely fulfilling its destiny, as central bank money printing has never been more out of control it only makes sense that the Bitcoin price has never looked quite as bullish.

$600 Dollar Bitcoin Payments

Reactions have been mixed online to the announcement that the United States government will be offering a direct payment to all citizens of $600 which is half the amount that they received after March 2020.

Overall the new stimulus bill will cost exactly $908 billion and will mean more money printing by a state that is already trillions of dollars in debt. The faster the government prints the more inflation will spiral out of control, which puts a very high price on the meager $600 dollars which will come in the taxes that will be paid to cover the debt in the years to come.

Following the first round of stimulus after Black Thursday, Brian Armstrong, the CEO of US-based crypto exchange Coinbase, soon revealed data showing that a spate of $1,200 deposits similar to the stimulus checks being offered to Americans by the government were skyrocketing at the leading US crypto exchange.

Bitcoin Price From the Time of $1200 Stimulus to Present – TradingView

Buy Bitcoin, Be Your Own Bank

Bitcoin has been enjoying greater mainstream acceptance than ever before seemingly led by a huge initial investment by market intelligence firm MicroStrategy in August when Michael Saylor led the company to purchase 21,454 Bitcoins for $250 million dollars.

Saylor’s bet paid off in front of the entire world and MicroStrategy’s has since committed another $825 Million to Bitcoin. The move is being followed by other major institutions and notably MassMutual, a traditional insurance giant has jumped in with its own $100 million BTC investment.

Bitcoin is in a parabolic phase of new price discovery and analyst’s at Bloomberg Intelligence are tipping that this is just the start.

As the stimulus checks roll in, retail investors are now faced with a Bitcoin narrative less shrowded in mystery and more mainstream than ever before. What may make the decision to invest their stimulus checks into Bitcoin even easier is the fact that those who had invested the initial $1,200 check into Bitcoin would have generated a $3,000 ROI above and beyond the $1,200 investment. Turning $1,200 into $4,200 in less than a year during a market downturn must be extremely appealing and considering the heights Bitcoin is predicted to reach, another $600 invested into BTC this time aroung could be far more profitable.

As Tyler Winklevoss said alluded to in his tweet above, the new stimulus payment represents future inflation and depreciation of US dollar—and should see a further loss of confidence in the Federal Reserve’s poor money management.

Inflation is coming as the money printer continues to go “BRR” and Bitcoin price is rising. So what will US citizen’s do with their $600 stimulus check? —pay off half the average American monthly mortgage or invest it into BTC to store and grow their wealth beyond the control of careless central bank monetary policy. 

Stimulus Checks and Gary Gensler: Is President-elect Joe Biden Long on Bitcoin and Altcoins?

Is President-elect Joe Biden long on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency?

President-elect Joe Biden has named a former blockchain professor from MIT, Gary Gensler, to head up the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to replace Jay Clayton only a week after a new dollar depreciating plan for $1.9 Trillion in economic stimulus.

Gary Gensler Next SEC Chair

President-elect Biden’s transition team to takeover financial policy of the United States includes former Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Gary Gensler who will assume the SEC chair position vacated by Jay Clayton.

Along with his extensive experience in regulating financial markets, Gensler also has a long history in public policy and finance. Gensler is a senior advisor to the MIT Digital Currency Initiative and lectures on blockchain technology at MIT sloan.

The announcement is truly exciting for cryptocurrency advocates as the SEC are desperately in need of a more refined and a balanced approach to crypto regulations in the US—and Gensler has publicly stated that the nascent industry needs public policy to succeed.

Host of CNBC’s Crypto Trader, Ran Neumer posed the question on Twitter:

“I think @JoeBiden is Long BTC and ALTS. Why else would he print so much money and appoint a blockchain professor for MIT as the new chair of the SEC?”

Stimulus and Bitcoin

President-elect Joe Biden also unveiled the details of a $1.9 trillion coronavirus rescue package last Thursday, with several stimulus measures to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

With the new US President Joe Biden coming into office, he appears set to continue flooding the market with trillions of dollars of unbacked freshly printed fiat currency, which is exciting news for the Bitcoin bulls.

The new stimulus plan will almost certainly include a provision to increase the amount of the second round of direct payments (that is, stimulus checks) from $600 to $2,000, and there will be more money for vaccine distribution, schools, rental assistance, small business aid, and tax credits.

$1.9 Trillion is a gigantic number, as even all of the circulating Bitcoin added up it is just $711 Billion, which is more than 2.5 times that of Bitcoin’s market capitalization.

From the chart above, we can easily observe that when the M1 Money Stock supply increases, Bitcoin Price also follows. If history repeats itself this time, we may see another surge in Bitcoin price after Biden’s administration plan comes into effect.The Bitcoin price is $37,427 at the time of writing showing an increase of 3.8% in the last 24 hours. 

PayPal Reports Fourth Quarter Earnings Boosted by Bitcoin and Crypto Service

On Wednesday, February 3, PayPal Inc released its earnings report for the final quarter of 2020. The payment giant revealed that consumers flocked to its online services in the final months of the year as they hurried to finish their holiday shopping and began using the firm’s wallets to sell and purchase crypto.

The company added 16 million accounts and the entire payments on its network rose by 39% to hit $277 billion in the last three months of the year.

Dan Schulman, PayPal CEO, said in an interview that:

“PayPal has never been more relevant and needed than we are right now. Clearly, the world has leapfrogged by three to five years into the next digital era, and there is no going back from here.”

PayPal was one of the last year’s big winners, with several consumers turning to its services for online shopping to fulfill their needs during the coronavirus pandemic.

The firm stated that activity on its network remains high after it introduced the ability for consumers to sell, hold, and purchase cryptocurrency using its wallets in recent months. Clients who took advantage of the feature to buy cryptocurrency started logging into the platform two times as much as they previously did.

Cryptocurrency Gaining Mainstream Acceptance

PayPal entered into the crypto field in October last year, thus became the latest large financial services provider to show an interest in the space. The payment giant introduced a new feature that allows US users to sell, hold, and buy cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin. The firm plans to let the rest of its customers across the world use cryptocurrency to shop with a network of 26 million retailers by early 2021.

PayPal’s announcement came at a time when more financial institutions signal their entry into the crypto market. MicroStrategy, Square Inc, and many more public companies have added their cash reserves into Bitcoin to protect their assets from inflation. This indicates an effort from companies to use cases for cryptocurrency other than speculative trading, like payments and e-commerce.

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Most Americans Plan to Use $1,400 Stimulus Checks to Invest in Bitcoin and Stocks – Mizuho Survey




Eligible Americans have begun receiving their $1,400 stimulus check following US President Joe Biden signing a 1.9 trillion COVID19 relief package into law last week.

According to survey data released by Mizuho Securities Co. Ltd., a significant amount of US citizens may be planning to spend almost 10% of the latest batch of direct stimulus checks on Bitcoin and stocks.

The research estimated that nearly $40 billion of the $380 billion given directly to Americans could be used to buy the two asset classes.

Mizuho investment and securities firm surveyed 235 people with household income less than $150,000, of which around 200 of the respondents stated that they would receive payments from the latest round of stimulus. Up to 40% of respondents said that they would invest the direct payments into stocks and Bitcoin while 61% said that they would choose Bitcoin over equities.

The company identified that almost two in five US citizens are expecting to use their handouts to do investments, and they are particularly planning to invest in stocks and Bitcoin.

According to Mizuho Financial Group, Bitcoin is expected to account for 60% of the total investment and the number of people investing could add as much as 3% to the crypto’s market value. Bitcoin is currently trading at $56,000 and has a market cap of over $1 trillion.

Mizuho identified a number of crypto-focused firms (such as Square, PayPal, Mastercard, and Visa) that are believed would benefit investors most should they wish to invest in cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin Going to Hit Higher 

President Joe Biden signed the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package into law last week on March 11, an incident that would see eligible Americans receive checks for $1,400.  The first batch of stimulus checks was processed on Friday last week as several Americans have already started receiving the payments via direct deposits while others are waiting for the paper checks to arrive through the mail.

This is the third stimulus package designed to financially assist US citizens affected by income security during the coronavirus pandemic. US lawmakers approved the first stimulus package in April last year whereby individuals earning less than $75,000 per year received $1,200 per person. In January this year, President Trump approved the second round of stimulus payments that provided $600 checks to individuals.

Some market analysts have attributed Bitcoin’s tremendous growth to various factors relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, including a rising perception that it functions as a form of “digital gold” for investors during times of economic uncertainty. The third coronavirus-related package is set to boost Bitcoin’s price, similar to market movements following previous packages.  

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