Avalanche Foundation Announces $4m Incentive Program for Trading Platform GMX

Avalanche Foundation has announced it will grant a $4 million incentive in AVAX tokens for the growth of the decentralized trading platform GMX.

The million-dollar incentive is deducted from the Avalanche Rush, a liquidity mining incentive program by Avalanche Foundation aimed to boost the Avalanche DeFi ecosystem.  

According to Avalanche, the $4 million incentive will be issued over a multi-month duration alongside its collaboration platforms building on the GMX protocol. The collaborators include TraderJoe, YieldYak, Dopex, and Yeti Finance.

Launched on Avalanche in January, GMX is a decentralized exchange platform that enables users to trade spot and perpetual futures contracts on the Avalanche blockchain while also offering on-chain trading and deep liquidity.

The platform eliminates the risk of impermanent loss by allowing liquidity providers to risk the loss of their capital if GMX traders are profitable. Meanwhile, if traders lose their money instead, fees generated are rewarded to liquidity providers. In contrast, if the traders are being profitable, liquidity providers take responsibility. 

The incentive program cancels some of the risk correlated with providing liquidity on GMX. It allows the collaborators of the protocol to build new types of products on top of the revenue model used by GMX. Alongside the $4 million, which will be allocated over a few months, users would be able to provide liquidity on the GMX platform and make use of the new products the platform collaborators develop.

Notably, the incentive program Avalanche Rush has been a part of the rapid growth of the Avalanche DeFi ecosystem since its launch in 2021. As the smart contract platform stated, ”the incentive program boosted its DeFi total value locked (TVL) by 900% within just a month of its launch.’’

GMX is not the only platform utilizing the Avalanche blockchain amid the extreme market condition. In September, New York-based global investment firm KKR & Co. Inc announced that it had put some part of its private equity funds on the Avalanche blockchain.

Chainlink Oracles Integrate with GMX DEX

Following the approval of a governance proposal, Chainlink’s decentralized oracles are going to begin integrating with GMX’s decentralized exchange (DEX). Over 96% of the GMX tokenholders who participated in the voting approved of the idea to give GMX v2 with greater “granular” real-time market data.

The functioning of perpetual DEXs and price-sensitive trading on GMX has been improved thanks to the introduction of new Chainlink oracles. These oracles were developed with the assistance of key contributors to GMX, who also helped build them. According to Johann Eid, who is in charge of integration at Chainlink Labs, the low-latency oracles will increase security, further decentralize the protocol, and improve the user experience.

These new oracles make use of the identical oracle node operators and data aggregation algorithms as are used in the already operational Chainlink reference feeds; the only difference is that the data is extracted at a greater frequency. It is anticipated that the low-latency oracles would provide a high degree of tamper-resistance while settling user transactions, hence increasing the level of security provided by the network.

It is anticipated that the incorporation of the Chainlink oracles would lessen the likelihood of GMX derivative traders being exposed to outdated price execution and value extraction. On the Arbitrum testnet, a beta version of the GMX-tailored, low-latency oracle feeds is currently accessible to users.

Chainlink will receive 1.2% of the protocol fees produced by the low-latency oracles that are part of the GMX protocol as payment for the service. In addition to the regular borrow costs and swap fees, the fees associated with margin trading are included in the protocol fees that customers must pay.

Eid indicated that Chainlink will continue to improve the quality of its oracle services to GMX in light of the protocol’s ongoing development and expansion. Although GMX is not the first perpetual DEX to come on board with the new kind of oracle, it is anticipated that the integration would deliver a more granular degree of real-time market data to GMX v2, hence boosting both the functioning of the platform and the quality of the user experience.

In conclusion, the integration of Chainlink’s low-latency oracles with GMX’s DEX is anticipated to improve the platform’s level of functionality and security, which will be to the advantage of the platform’s users and will contribute to the expansion of the DeFi ecosystem.

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