Blockstream Samson Mow on Scalability: Bitcoins are Tanks while Altcoins are Bicycles

Towards the end of 2017, the cryptocurrency market was in a state of delirium. Bitcoin set record price after record price and reached a peak of around $20,000 USD per token. During this market frenzy, a huge issue long-suspected by educated developers was finally revealed—the bitcoin network had become overloaded and was running against the limits of its capacity, unable to scale beyond seven transactions per second.

Samson Mow is an entrepreneur and marketing strategist who is currently serving as the Chief Strategy Officer at Blockstream. Samson Mow is known as a Bitcoin expert and he is often invited to speak on panels and give presentations at blockchain events and conferences. He rose to some prominence in the community from his famous bitcoin scaling debate with Roger Ver—AKA Bitcoin Jesus, at Deconomy 2018.

We caught up with Mow at The Capital by CoinMarketCap in Singapore. He discussed the Liquid and Lightning Networks and his thoughts on the future of Bitcoin scalability.

Entering Blockstream

Mow originally worked as a video game developer and founded Pixelmatic in 2011. He was working on creating engaging social games when he first heard about Bitcoin in 2013. Mow said, “I was reading the news and came across an article about Bitcoin. I found it very interesting because it was like an in-game currency that no one controls. Soon after I worked for BTC China (BTCC), a cryptocurrency exchange and mining pool as the COO. Following this, I became very interested in the infrastructure layer of the Bitcoin protocol and joined Blockstream.”

Blockstream does a lot of very interesting work at the protocol level of Bitcoin itself, building second-layer solutions to make scaling more efficient. Mow said, “I felt that I could bring a lot to Blockstream as I’m good with product marketing and business, which is traditionally what Blockstream has struggled with, as it was largely driven by engineering—not really business-minded people.”

Bitcoin Tanks and Altcoin Bicycles

According to Mow, many blockchain developers and industry experts are completely missing the point when it comes to Bitcoin and their criticism of its slow transaction speed. Mow explained “people like to talk about Bitcoin’s ability to only transact seven times per second. This criticism usually comes from altcoin developers and it’s usually because they have their own blockchain or coin which is touted to be able to transact 20X, 30X or even 50X per second. But if you really understand how blockchains work, the technology is actually not very conducive to fast transactions because the network needs to keep in sync. The reason there is a limit on BTC transactions per second is because we have ten-minute block times. So transactions work out to seven a second based on the total number per block divided by the ten minutes.”

While other alternative blockchains are able to increase the number of transactions per second to 50, according to Mow, it really is not a gamechanger as a good payment network really needs hundreds of thousands of transactions per second. “The way to think about it correctly is: Bitcoin was designed to be a tank. And these other altcoin projects are selling you a bicycle, but it’s two different roles basically. The bicycle will go faster than a tank, of course, but if you get shot with a bazooka, basically you’re going to die whereas the tank’s architecture will protect you because it’s heavily armored. So it’s basically a conflation between two things–a payment system and a settlement system, and Bitcoin is a settlement system.”

Liquid vs Lightning

Two of the key initiatives that have come from Blockstream are the Liquid and the Lightning networks. Liquid is a sidechain-based settlement network for traders and exchanges purportedly enabling fast and confidential BTC transactions and the issuance of digital assets. Lightning Network is a micropayments protocol that enables instant, low-cost BTC transactions.

Mow explained the difference between the two, he said, “Liquid is a Bitcoin side-chain, and what that means is—it’s a blockchain that does not have its own native currency, it still has Bitcoin but in another format called Liquid Bitcoin (L-BTC).” By comparison, “Lightning does not have a blockchain per se. It is purely peer-to-peer; you connect to people that you need to connect to and route through the network. So it’s quite different—and the benefit of Lightning is that the transactions are nearly instantaneous, and almost free which you don’t have with Liquid because it is a blockchain. Liquid does have faster one-minute blocks but we still need to keep the network in sync, so there is a limit there. Whereas in Lightning, there is no limit to how big the network can scale.”

Another key difference is that users can have hot and cold wallets in Liquid, but in the Lightning Network wallets are always hot. Mow explained, “they’re always online, so your keys are technically exposed. But as people are receiving money through Lightning, they’re going to close out channels and cash out.”

Paying off your Lightning Tab

As we pushed further into the protocols of the Lightning Network, Mow offered a simple yet powerful analogy. He said, “I guess the easiest way to conceptualize it for the average person is by comparing it to a bar tab. So you go to a bar and you want to have some drinks that night but instead of paying for your drinks one by one, you give them your credit card and open a tab and settle it at the end of the night.” He continued, “Lightning is similarly just aggregating transactions; you open a channel with someone and you can route through that channel. You don’t need to broadcast all of your transactions through the blockchain because that would clutter it up.”

In the past, the crypto industry has witnessed the Bitcoin chain get clogged due to too many transactions, and this has consequently inflated the price of transactions. Mow reiterated, “a lot of those types of transactions are not really necessary. For instance, if you were to buy a cup of coffee—you don’t need to put that in the Bitcoin blockchain.” In summary, he said, “the way lightning works is that you open a channel and when you open and close that channel, those are on-chain transactions, but everything else in between is counted as off-chain and does not require the blockchain to sync. So you have cost savings and faster transactions.”

On whether the Lightning Network could be overlaid onto other blockchain protocols such as Ethereum, Mow confirmed, “In theory, I would say yes. In fact, Ethereum has a similar concept to the Lightning Network called Plasma. Although I am unsure why you would need it as Ethereum is not supposed to be money.” He clarified, “it makes sense for any blockchain or cryptocurrency that is purporting to be money so it makes sense for Bitcoin. Because if the main layer is for settlement, then you need a layer for spending and lightning allows you to do so quickly.”

Mow added, “you can actually have a Lightning Network running on top of Liquid although we actually haven’t implemented it before. But you can actually issue different assets in the Liquid Network. For example, we have Liquid Tether in our network, we have a Japanese Yen stablecoin and several others.” He concluded, “technically, if each of those has enough liquidity, like a lot of people have Liquid USDT, then you could create a Lightning Network on top of USDT.”

Micropayments and the Traditional Financial System

Micropayments are payments of less than a dollar (and in some cases, a fraction of a cent) that are usually made online. It is not common to be able to transact these amounts through traditional banking services. The latest technological advancements in FinTech, such as blockchain have brought about more exposure and inclusion into the digital world.

Mow offered his explanation for why banks were incapable of servicing the micropayment market efficiently. He said, “I think it largely has to do with cost. You can do small transactions through banks but what it comes down to is the cost as they take a fee of three to five percent because it’s merchant processing, so it doesn’t really make sense especially for a machine to machine payments—you don’t want a 5% tax on top.” He continued, “technically, with the credit cards, you could do micropayments if you say it’s like under $1. But again, it doesn’t really make a lot of sense because the whole traditional financial system is very clunky. It’s very old. And, you know, even interbank transfers don’t work well. It’s just not really feasible to do these kinds of micropayments on that old network.”


Liquid Network: The Platform for the Fastest Bitcoin Transactions?

Samson Mow is an entrepreneur and marketing strategist who is currently serving as the Chief Strategy Officer at Blockstream. Samson Mow is known as a Bitcoin expert and he is often invited to speak on panels and give presentations at blockchain events and conferences. He rose to some prominence in the community from his famous bitcoin scaling debate with Roger Ver—AKA Bitcoin Jesus, at Deconomy 2018.

In Part 2 of the interview, Samson unmasked the power behind Liquid Network, how Liquid transactions work and c-lightning on Liquid. He also shared the latest initiatives of Blockstream and his personal take of Bitcoin in 2020.

Liquid is a Sidechain Not a State Channel

State Channels and Sidechains are two terms in the blockchain community that are often used interchangeably, thus causing mass confusion. Blockstream’s Liquid is an example of a sidechain—a separate blockchain that is attached to its parent blockchain or main chain.

State Channels are a very broad and simple way to think about blockchain interactions which could occur on the blockchain but are instead conducted off of the blockchain. Moving these interactions off the chain without requiring different trust could lead to significant improvements in cost and speed. State Channels are touted as a solution that could be critical to scaling blockchain technologies—a function Liquid is also providing for Blockstream’s users. 

Mow explained, “State Channels basically use UTXOs (an output of a blockchain transaction that has not been spent) to move assets off the blockchain. Liquid is actually more like a blockchain; it’s a federated blockchain that is essentially running a multisig wallet. So when you move funds into Liquid, you are actually locking them up on the main chain and then unlocking them in Liquid, which is why Liquid Bitcoins have a one to one relationship with Bitcoin.”

Liquid Transaction

Liquid enables faster transactions but they are not instant. Mow said, “we have one minute block times and two minutes for full finality of the transaction. Basically, it is quite safe to assume that the transaction won’t be reversed after one minute but there is a possibility of a reorg so we say two minutes for transactions.”

One of Liquid’s promoted features is enhanced privacy and its support for confidential transactions. Mow explained, “essentially, you cannot see how much is being sent to someone else. It’s shielded and that helps prevent things like front running. So if you’re sending L-BTC to another exchange, people are unable to monitor the Liquid blockchain and say—okay, you’re sending a hundred thousand coins, I’m going to go and trade against you there.” He added, “there’s a lot of benefit for traders and we’re positioning Liquid as a network aimed at traders—moving funds from exchange to exchange to take advantage of arbitrage or just to move their coins or collect their coins in one place to trade. Those features are good for a trader. When it comes down to it, you would use Liquid because it is the fastest way to move Bitcoin.”

c-Lightning on Liquid

c-Lightning is Blockstream’s own implementation of the Lightning Network protocol and is promoted as the go-to choice for enterprise Lightning Network deployments.

Recently the c-Lightning team announced experimental support for the Liquid Network in c-Lightning. This allows users to take advantage of early Lightning support for L-BTC payments and the added features of Liquid’s transaction confidentiality.

“Because Liquid is built off of Elements—our blockchain building platform—it’s a fork of the Bitcoin chain. So anything that works with Bitcoin can work with Liquid and by extension Elements.” Said Mow. “c-Lightning is our own lightning implementation and to get it working with Liquid assets, we are going to have to make some changes. Dealing with Lightning itself is easy, because it is just another form of Bitcoin, but if you’re dealing with a Liquid asset, you need to do two things—handle the opening and closing channels for L-BTC and for the asset you are transacting in the channel. So we still have some R&D to do but potentially we could have that running sometime next year.”

Blockstream Mining

Mow shared that Blockstream is currently developing a lot of tools such as Miniscript, which is an improved version of Bitcoin script. He said, “we have someone working on smart contracts in Bitcoin called Simplicity—the smart contracting language which will probably be available in Liquid first, then maybe if people want it, it’ll be available in Bitcoin.”

Another interesting project is Blockstream Mining, which the company announced a few months ago. Mow said, “we are making a play for Bitcoin infrastructure at the mining level—we have 300 megawatts between our two facilities in Canada and the US, and we’re rapidly expanding.”

It is worth noting that Blockstream mining is a hosting provider rather than an ASIC manufacturer, which Fidelity and Reid Hoffman (co-founder of LinkedIn) are some of the notable customers. “We are building a facility where you can host your machines and we can help customers to procure ASIC mining machines too. We are not competing with ASIC manufacturers now.” Mow added.

Pigeonholing the Problem

As we continued to discuss the proposed solutions to Bitcoin scalability, Mow commented on where so many developers have gone wrong with their conception of the problem. He said, “scalability is multifaceted and a lot of people originally tried to pigeonhole scalability as a need for bigger blocks, but that’s a dead end. You can’t just keep making the blocks bigger because the network has to keep in sync. We are always making improvements at Layer 1 or the Bitcoin base layer, but you also need the second layer—in our case Lightning—to get Bitcoin to everyone in the world.”

Detailing the scalability power of Lightning, Mow said, “we’ve done some calculations and currently one channel can process a theoretical maximum of 500 transactions a second. So, if you multiply that out by the number of channels in the network, it’s like 18 million transactions a second. So that is the only way that you can scale a blockchain to a planetary level.” He concluded, “At the base layer, there are always improvements coming out and there’ve been optimizations happening for the past several years—the Bitcoin blockchain now is actually much faster than say five or six years ago.”

The Promise of Bitcoin is Coming

The launch of the Lightning Network and second layer solutions is encouraging for the Bitcoin settlement system, but will Bitcoin ever fulfill its promise and become a true payments system with global adoption? Mow said, “Yeah, definitely. I mean, we’re seeing rapid growth in Bitcoin adoption already. And with Lightning, it’s becoming more and more relevant and prevalent everywhere we go. I think all it will take is for some point of sale terminal operator to integrate Lightning and then you essentially can have Bitcoin payments everywhere.”

Mow highlighted that we are already seeing to occur. He concluded, “There are a few points of sales terminals that have integrated BTC payments. Bakkt, the NYSE backed BTC custody house is currently developing a payment system with Starbucks. So it is all coming, it’s just a matter of time but I think in the next five years, we’ll definitely see mass availability of Lightning payments.”

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