China’s Central Bank’s DCEP is Trying to Make WeChat Pay and Alipay Redundant

Mu Changchun, the Director-General of the Institute of Digital Currency of China’s central bank, People’s Bank of China, spoke at one of the panels at the Singapore Fintech Festival held at the Singapore Expo on Nov. 12 regarding the future of digital currencies. 

Mu made a comment regarding China’s central bank digital currency (CBDC), also known as the digital currency electronic payment (DCEP), saying that they are “trying to provide redundancy to our very advanced electronic payments” including WeChat Pay and Alipay. 

The reason behind the comment was due to the potential risks the central bank foresees if there would be any technical difficulties with these electronic payment entities, there would be detrimental harm to the financial ecosystem. Mu added that this move was to “prepare for anything bad to happen,” given that 96% of China’s population is using electronic payment systems. 

Mu briefly introduced the two-tiered system that the CBDC will be running on and noted that commercial banks will be in the loop. He also highlighted that the CBDC is targeting cross-border payments and the M0 – which refers to the Chinese Yuan fiat in circulation. 

He lastly mentioned that China will be keeping the monetary policies and implementations untouched, as well as the financial system. The CBDC is a hybrid of an account-based system and a value-based system. He concluded, “we are not aiming to be a cashless-society, but rather a cash-light society.”

Crypto Leaders Discuss Libra, China's CBDC and a Cashless Future at the Singapore Fintech Festival

The Singapore Fintech Festival gathered even more blockchain professionals on Day 2 of the event, kicking off with representatives of tech giants including Intel, Microsoft, and Nasdaq sharing insights on navigating the impending economic slowdown and global uncertainty regarding the global access to data. 

A noteworthy panel followed on the topic of “defining the future of digital currency,” joined by Christian Catalini, co-creator of Libra and Head Economist of Calibra, Mu Changchun, Director-General of the Digital Currency Institute of the People’s Bank of China, HE Serey Chea, from the National Bank of Cambodia and Umar Farooq, Head of Blockchain at J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.

Catalini explained that in the current economic tensions, although tech has been around for 30 years, 1.7 billion people are still unbanked. He mentioned that some of the average charges for sending a remittance are around 7%; by using blockchain technology, a lot of issues can be solved for real people. 

Mu further explained China’s development of its central bank digital currency (CBDC) and claimed that one of its goals is for financial inclusion for the people who live in the remote and rural areas in China. He stated that China is “not aiming to keep information on the general public,” but rather to create a cash-light society while “preparing for anything bad happening” in the financial ecosystem.

Chea introduced the Bakong Project by Cambodia’s national bank, while highlighting that mobile phone penetration has been huge in Cambodia, with subscriptions over 20 million in the country – the biggest challenge they are currently working on is bringing the mobile payments and the traditional banks together. Having explored with Hyperledger, the central banks could issue a wallet to everyone to use and download, while the banks and payments services could get access to tokenized fiat, and then issue it to the end-users. Consumers can then withdraw digitized fiat to their own wallets.

US CFTC Commissioner Says Crypto Derivative Contracts Had an Enormous Positive Impact on the US Economy

United States Commissioner of the Commodities and Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), Brian Quintenz, spoke about the current and future regulation in Fintech at the Singapore Fintech Festival held last week.  

Quintenz started by saying that one of the main values that the Commission stands by is to “first do no harm, then be technology-neutral.”  

LabCFTC working with technologists, innovators, and the public 

As stated by Quintenz, CFTC has been engaging with innovators and technologists, “to understand what they were doing, to help them understand if what they were doing implicated our rules, and to help the CFTC understand if there is any technology we can take advantage of as an agency to enhance our own processes.”

LabCFTC, the CFTC’s financial technology research wing, has been very active with over 350 different private meetings held with innovators in the last two years, as Quintenz mentioned. LabCFTC has published three primers to the marketplace based on their understanding of smart contracts, artificial intelligence, and crypto assets. They have also looked into how these three categories are evolving outside of, or challenging the current regulatory dynamic.  

Two requests for information, the first on crypto assets and the different proofing constructs that back consensus mechanisms such as proof of stake, proof of work, and zero-knowledge proofs were asked from the public. The CFTC was curious to understand the proliferation of derivatives contracts on different assets with different underlying proofing constructs.  

Structuring innovation competition and its hurdles with the regulatory sandbox 

The second included the request for information on innovation competitions. This helps the CFTC to understand where the lines draw in terms of sandboxes. The regulator is prohibited by law from having a regulatory sandbox due to the legal structure of the US, viewing that there should be free use of technology, which would be an “unauthorized gift” under the US ethics laws, as explained by Quintenz. 

“I think it was kind of an unintended consequence of how those rules are written,” commented Quintenz. “There is a discussion right now in Congress to change that, but in the meantime, we’re thinking about how to structure innovation competition because that focuses on our rule set, our processes and if we can bring technologists in-house to compete and solve some of those issues, and to get a better sense as to what the solutions are and how that innovation is evolving.” 

Self-certification for a positive impact on the US economy 

Quintenz stated: “The provision of derivatives contracts into different parts of the economy has and an enormous positive impact on the US economy to be able to manage that risk and provide stable prices for goods and services, building apps and government involvement and to the private sector.” 

The CFTC has led an effort to help exchanges and clearinghouses through the creation of the self-certification process. Exchanges that are looking to list a new contract would not have to go to the CFTC and request approval. Instead, they can list the contract and “self-certify” that meets all the necessary requirements from the CFTC. 

The results of implementing self-certification have been quite significant; in the last 15 to 20 years, since self-certification existed, exchanges have listed 8000 new contracts, compared to the 800 contracts listed between 1920 to 2000 prior to self-certification.

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