Kraken Exchange Acquires Non-Custodial Staking Platform Staked

In what stands as its fifth acquisition for the year, the Kraken trading platform has acquired Staked, a non-custodial staking platform for an undisclosed sum.

As announced by Kraken, the acquisition is arguably one of the largest acquisitions in the digital currency ecosystem to date and will help Kraken expand its currently established custodial staking service. 

Staked operates as a functional and non-custodial staking platform that enables investors in Proof-of-Stake (PoS) networks to easily and securely compound their holdings. The platform permits all classes of investors, whether retail or institutional, to earn yields without relinquishing their custody of the staked assets.

“We are excited to add Staked to our portfolio of yield products, which has seen great uptake by a growing population of crypto investors,” said Jesse Powell, CEO, and co-founder of Kraken. “Staked is highly complementary to our existing staking business and will allow us to further strengthen our product offering through world-class infrastructure for clients who prefer to retain custody of their staked assets,” Powell added.

Kraken has recorded impressive growth thus far this year with its staking service growing by as much as 950% to nearly $16 billion in November. The company’s combined spot, margin and futures trading volume grew by over 430% in 2021, and the acquisition of Staked remains a way to expand its growth tracks as it remains one of the few trading outfits that has earned a license to operate as a bank in the U.S.

“We’ve become a holistic crypto platform with a diverse range of products that serves the needs of retail, professional, and institutional clients. Heading into the second decade in our company’s history, I’m excited about the future and Kraken’s continued support of the world’s shift to Web3 and DeFi,” Powell added.

Ethereum Milestone: Validator Count Hits 1 Million with $114 Billion Staked

The Ethereum network, a leading blockchain platform for decentralized applications and smart contracts, has achieved a significant milestone by surpassing one million validator nodes. These validators are responsible for securing the network and processing transactions, ensuring the integrity and functionality of the Ethereum ecosystem.

According to data from Dune Analytics, a blockchain analytics platform, the amount of Ether (ETH) staked has reached a staggering 32 million ETH, with an estimated value of $114 billion. This represents approximately 26% of Ethereum’s total supply, signaling a robust commitment from the network’s participants to its long-term security and success.

An interesting aspect to consider is the role of Lido, a liquid staking solution that has become increasingly popular among Ethereum’s stakers. Lido allows users to stake their ETH while retaining liquidity, enabling them to participate in other decentralized finance (DeFi) activities without locking up their assets. The platform currently accounts for 30% of all staked ETH, indicating a significant preference for liquid staking options within the Ethereum staking community.

The surge in validator count and staked ETH is a testament to the successful transition of Ethereum from a proof-of-work (PoW) to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, which took place with the highly anticipated upgrade known as ‘The Merge.’ This transition not only marks a new era in Ethereum’s history but also contributes to the broader crypto ecosystem’s shift towards more energy-efficient and scalable blockchain solutions.

As the network’s staking capacity grows, Ethereum is expected to benefit from increased security and network participation, which could lead to further adoption of its blockchain for various applications, including finance, gaming, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

The rise in the number of validators and the amount of staked ETH also raises questions about the decentralization of the network, given that significant proportions are managed through staking pools and platforms like Lido. As the Ethereum network evolves, it will be critical to monitor the distribution of staking power and ensure that it remains in line with the community’s decentralized ethos.

The milestone of one million validators is a crucial indicator of the network’s health and the trust that users place in Ethereum’s infrastructure. As the blockchain landscape continues to evolve, Ethereum’s position as a leader in the space is further solidified by this achievement.

In conclusion, the Ethereum network’s growth in validators and staked ETH is a strong signal of the community’s confidence in the blockchain’s future. With a quarter of its total supply now staked, Ethereum is poised to continue its role as a foundational platform for the development and deployment of decentralized applications.

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