Vietnam Launches a National Enterprise Blockchain Platform as it Eyes a Global Top 50 Slot

The Vietnamese government, through the Ministry of Information and Communications, has revealed the establishment of an enterprise blockchain platform dubbed akaChain in line with its national program for digital transformation.

Blockchain-enabled KYC

akaChain was developed by FPT Software, a leading IT firm, hand-picked by the Vietnamese government in its quest to propel digital transformation in both the private and public sectors. 

This blockchain platform is viewed as a stepping stone because Vietnam seeks to become a global top 50 nationally in terms of information and communication technology by 2030. Additionally, it is eyeing a top 35 slot in the worldwide innovation arena.

The Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Information and Communications, Nguyen Thanh Hung, asked local businesses to keep a watchful eye in digital transition as akaChain could hasten processes like credit scoring.

He noted:

“As COVID-19 looms large, it is more important than ever to take their business online. We trust FPT Software’s akaChain will help businesses to quicken the process through blockchain-based applications such as eKYC (electronic Know Your Customer), credit scoring, loyalty programs, traceability, etc., which would be very challenging in the absence of technologies.”

The blockchain platform is built on the Hyperledger Fabric, and it prompts a transparent, secure, and frictionless connection for all stakeholders involved. 

Digital ID solutions

The Vietnamese government will use the akaChain platform to hasten the validation of personal information.

This will be a game-changer as the blockchain system will boost transparency and security in government activities. It will act as the foundation for a digital economy, e-Government, and digital society.

A global UAE bank recently began to build blockchain-powered architecture for sovereign and federated digital identity. As a result, critical banking procedures like loan application, customer onboarding, and account opening will be streamlined.  

Losing Access to your Crypto Wallet: Dangers and How to Not Lose your Funds?

There is a common problem for cryptocurrency exchanges where many of their clients do not wish to memorize their account credentials. Occasionally, they forget that information and lose access to their accounts. 

Forgetting the key to a cryptocurrency wallet has been the reason why people have lost access to billions of USD worth of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to date. The recent case of Stephan Thomas who has forgotten the password to his IronKey hard drive that stores his 7,002 Bitcoin is a good example. In general, it has been found that around 20% of existing Bitcoins are lost due to the loss of a password or a seed phrase for resetting the password for the wallet.

The reasons for losing access to cryptocurrency exchange accounts are several, but commonly most of the time: people forget the password or the two-factor authentication (2FA) details if the 2FA is enabled, change the device on which 2FA was stored, or change the phone number to which 2FA was linked.

We get lots of requests from our clients at CEX.IO for a two-factor authorisation reset. It ultimately comes from a lack of caution and attentiveness: people buy new mobile phones or change the phone number to which their keys are tied, and do not bother to change their 2FA data on the old ones. Then, when they lose access, they often blame the exchanges for being unable to operatively give them a new 2FA.  But recovering access to an exchange account is not as easy as recovering a password. If you had 2FA enabled and you can no longer pass it, you will have to pass an identification procedure with the exchange to confirm your identity and reset the 2FA.

If a client has previously passed ID verification, they will have to do it again to confirm their identity. This is done to protect the client’s funds – in order to ensure that the request to reset the 2FA does not come from a malicious actor. This procedure takes time as you have to send photos of yourself to the exchange, and they should be identified by the customer support personnel. But many people dislike dealing with such procedures, thinking of them as troublesome and time-consuming. And this, in turn, traps exchanges in an unpleasant position where they have to consider both simplicity and client convenience as well as their obligations to keep the funds entrusted to them safe. 

Sometimes it also so happens that hackers get hold of passwords and even 2FA on a hacked device. If that occurs, hackers usually change the 2FA details on the victim’s exchange account. In such situations, we temporarily block the withdrawal on the client’s account and notify them via email and SMS to let the account owner take action in case they were not the ones to change the 2FA.

Ways to Restore Access 

There are several ways wallet services provide for the safekeeping of cryptocurrency: a seed-phrase, a multi-signature, a deferred money transfer, and trusted wallets. 

The seed-phrase is used in the wallets which are only accessible to their owners and consists of several random words. In case you have forgotten the password to such a wallet, you can enter the seed phrase and access your wallet this way. In case you lose and forget the seed phrase, you will no longer be able to restore access to your funds.

The multi-signature mechanism of several keys is often utilized in online “hot” wallets on exchanges. Oftentimes, wallets with a multi-sig have three signatures and require two of them to execute a command. Two of these signatures are held with the client and the third – with the service provider. Under normal conditions, the key of the firm and one of the client’s keys are used for all operations. The second key the client has is a backup one that should be kept safely and may be used as a second one if the service provider stops operations.

A deferred-transfer mechanism is also a good way of keeping your digital currency accessible to you even if you forget the password and cannot restore it. It automatically sends the funds in the wallet to another address after the expiry of the set time. This way you can regain access to your funds in another wallet when this transfer comes through.

And trusted wallets are the ones used on cryptocurrency exchanges. Their advantage is that you can always regain access to them via a KYC procedure. But their flaw is that you can only access such wallets through your account on the exchange and not directly via a key.

At CEX.IO, we do our best to educate our clients on what to do not to lose access to their accounts, how they should act in situations when it happens after all, and how to simplify the recovery process. And we can assert with confidence that prudence and discipline are the two principles that will be your best guarantees against the permanent loss of your cryptocurrency funds.

Binance to Delist BAKE, ID, MBOX, OP, RDNT, UNI Related Trading Pairs in Spot Market

Binance, in its effort to ensure a vibrant and liquid trading environment, regularly reviews all listed spot trading pairs. Based on their most recent evaluations, the exchange has decided to delist certain trading pairs due to factors like poor liquidity and trading volume.

The spot trading pairs that will be removed from Binance on April 12, 2024, at 03:00 UTC are:







It is important to note that the delisting of these spot trading pairs does not impact the availability of the tokens on Binance Spot. Users will still be able to trade the base and quote assets of these tokens on other available trading pairs on the platform.

Additionally, Binance will terminate its Spot Trading Bots services for the aforementioned spot trading pairs on April 12, 2024, at 03:00 UTC. Users who utilize this service are advised to update or cancel their Spot Trading Bots prior to the cessation to avoid any potential losses.

Binance has provided guidelines and frequently asked questions regarding delisting, which users can refer to for more information. The exchange also advises users to check the original English version of the announcement for the latest and most accurate information, as there may be discrepancies in translated versions.

As with any investment in digital assets, Binance reminds users that prices can be volatile, and the value of investments may go up or down. Users are responsible for their investment decisions and should not invest more than they can afford to lose. It is recommended that users seek independent financial advice and consider their individual circumstances before trading.

Binance reserves the right to amend or cancel the delisting announcement at any time and for any reasons without prior notice.

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